Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Words Fail Me...

... but I'm going to try anyway.

Since my nephew Brandon went missing, our family has been in the center of a whirlwind of shock, concern, dismay, media attention and controversy. It's not over by a long shot -- Brandon's parents will continue to push for an investigation of Brandon's online activities. They are convinced he is holed up somewhere, being told he's a "Pinball Wizard." Maybe his captors are telling him his parents hate him, don't want to talk to him. Maybe he wants to contact home, but he can't.

I refuse to believe he's hurt, abused or lying in a ditch somewhere. My mind cannot process that. I hold the same hope that authorities will flush out the people who lured him away with promises of money and status.

Old friends and new have dropped by to offer condolences, hope and prayers. I can't begin to express my gratitude.

In the meantime, I must tear myself away from obsessing over every breaking story. (Some online discussions infuriate me and I wish I could reach out through cyberspace and slap some of those people upside the head. They don't know this family. I do.)

Although I feel I'm in a holding pattern, I must go on with my life. I feel like I'm not allowed to laugh at a joke or smile at my colleagues. It feels strange.

This is a writing blog. I have to get back to the task at hand. While I pursue my latest career, a piece of myself will still hold vigil for Brandon. Until he is found, he will always be on my mind.

If I receive any breaking news, I will be sure to tell you right away.

Now, I'll try to change the subject...

Ravenous Romance has offered me a contract for The Toast Bitches. Those bitches (the characters, not the publisher) have been roaming around in my head for a long time, and it's time to unleash them on the world. I'll be busy cranking out a hot, sexy manuscript.

Sheesh. Wish me luck.


jjdebenedictis said...

Good for you, and congratulations! Brandon remains on my mind also, but I'm delighted to hear of another success for you. Happy (and hot) writing.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

There's no point giving your attention to people who know only what's in the media yet feel qualified to share their "expert" opinion. These sorts of situations tap into people's deepest fears, either for their own families or society as a whole. Their reactions are a reflection of how they cope with their fear, i.e. "It happened because they did (or didn't) do such-and-so. We're not like that, therefore it couldn't possibly happen to us." The more intense the reaction, the deeper the fear that they could find themselves in your family's shoes.

Congratulations on the contract, and do try to get back to writing. Try a new genre or style if you find yourself struggling with a blank page. It's not unusual for stress to knock you into a different mental space, so just do what you can and keep us posted on how things are going.

Sarah Laurenson said...

I read some of those opinions out there. People can be so judgmental and think they know it all. I agree with bunnygirl, they're looking to shore up their own insecurities and apparently it doesn't matter who they hurt.

When my 17 yr old niece was killed by a drunk driver, I found out a small part of what it was like to lose a child. It was not like anything I've ever experienced before and I've lost a lot of friends and some family. People were not able to understand what it was like.

The same is true here - people will not understand what it's like to be in your shoes unless they have been there themselves. Perhaps you can find a support group who you can identify with and help you through all the feelings that come with this situation.

You and your family are in my thoughts. I hope you find the means to keep putting one foot in front of the other and continue with your life and your writing. The laughter will come back at an unexpected moment and so will guilt for laughing, but that's normal.

BernardL said...

I'm with you. I hope he was lured away, and will return when teenage shortsightedness diminishes. Congratulations on your sale. I hope the prose flows well for you.

The Anti-Wife said...

We're here for you. We'll be praying for Brandon and rooting for the the Toast Bitches.

Barbara Martin said...

Congratulations on your contract! How wonderful! Work is an excellent diversion. Some of my best writing came from the period when I endured a severe case of DVT.

Brandon is in my daily prayers for his return.

Melanie Hooyenga said...

Congratulations on the contract. I hope you're able to focus while the search continues. I don't have children so right now my niece and nephews are the closest I have to that connection, and my worst fear is something happening to one of them. My thoughts are with you and your family.

(melaniehoo from AW)

McKoala said...

Still thinking of you and hoping all turns out well. Glad the writing is going well in the meantime!

cindy said...

that's wonderful about the writing! and i, too, am hoping hoping hoping for good breaking news soon for you and yours. *hugs*

laughingwolf said...

g'luck sandra...

prayers continue for brandon....

Doreen Orion said...

Sending you hugs over your nephew and huge congrats over the contract.

Anonymous said...

I am only familiar with this blog due to Brandons Disapearance. Since then I have read your bio and have checked your posts frequently. I can tell by your writings you will have much success with your contract.
Writing is a way of touching others,helping them understand ones true self. Thats why I write this note * To wish you all the best in your future endeavours and with finding Brandon.


Liane Spicer said...

Congratulations, Chumplet. You keep going from strength to strength.

I keep you, your family and Brandon in mind, and hope and pray for a happy resolution. I know my gut feeling doesn't count for much, but I too believe he's alive and well.

I usually browse the news at night for developments. I've stopped reading the comments because they make me really mad, and I keep hoping your family isn't reading that stuff. The Internet is wonderful, but it's also a pain; every idiot has a chance to air his views, no matter how ill-considered.

Keeping the faith along with you,

T. M. Hunter said...

Good luck with the new book!

Chris Eldin said...

My thoughts and prayes continue to be with you---and I strongly ditto what Sarah said.

I'm glad you're able to celebrate the positive moments in your life. You'll be stronger, and better able to handle other areas and support those around you.

Josephine Damian said...

OMG, Chumplet, I had no idea this was going on.

I worked a murder investigation years ago and checked out one of those online forums where all sorts of bizarre and nasty things were being said.

One of the victim's aunts was posting there and I've gotten to know her quite well. But it's very troubling how these online forums add to a family's troubles by spreading specious gossip and trash talk.

It took a long time for this gal I've gotten to know to walk away from the forum and stop reading the crazy stuff being written.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

And glad to hear about your book deal.

writtenwyrdd said...

That is wonderful news about the contract. And continued prayers and well wishes about Brandon and your family.

Sarf's Travels. said...

I hope that Brandon is found!. I will keep a eye out over here in Iceland, I think chances are slim of him being here, but you never know :)

I am looking forward to your next book, I loved Bad Ice. Keep up the excellent writing!

Keep your spirits up!

- Sarf

Sandra Cormier said...

The latest news is a second person saw him that day on the trail, but due to a miscommunication her statement wasn't taken.

Also, his hoodie turned up at school, so he wasn't wearing it on the day he disappeared. A new poster is being distributed with an updated clothing description.

Still hoping, still praying and still thanking all of you for your concern and support.

Love yas!

Precie said...

Still praying and hoping for you and your family, Sandra.

Congrats on your contract! Keep writing. Keep moving forward. Keep hoping for the best.

WendyCinNYC said...

Just saw this link from Precie's blog--my thoughts are with you and your family.