Saturday, 17 January 2009

I Did It - The Bitches Have Flown

I have crawled out of my hidey-hole. After three months of wearing my laptop like an extra appendage, after countless take-out and microwave meals, after waiving offers to go to the movies, after refusing to give my kids rides to the mall... I finally finished The Toast Bitches.

At 11:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 15th, a mere thirty minutes before zero hour, I hit Send. I just hope the book isn't complete drivel. I didn't have time to edit, to polish, or to make sure characters didn't suddenly switch spouses halfway through the book. Editor gods, don't fail me now.

That's the trouble with being a pantster. When I pitched the book, I knew the premise but not the plot. I was thinking, "Sex in the City meets Thirty Rock." I think it turned out more like, "Sex in the City meets Steel Magnolias."

It's supposed to be erotic but I don't know if it's steamy enough. I figure the lovemaking scene in the canoe tipped the balance, haha. (Dad, I'm sorry but you can't read this one.)

In other news, yesterday my aunt and mother phoned me long distance to help straighten out some banking stuff. They could have emailed me, but my mom's funny that way. She'll call long distance to inform me that she wants to send an email. Just send the email!
My aunt told me Mom is always on Facebook. I was stunned. Mom? On Facebook? She can't open her email! They begged me to join, too.

I dragged my heels. I already have Blogger, and a website, and all the other flotsam in my life. Would I need another pet to feed and take care of? When
Pat Wood emailed an invitation to join, I gave in to my stubbornness. I joined.

Now I'm going shopping.


Stephen Parrish said...

The only thing that pleases me more than hearing someone has submitted a manuscript is hearing the manuscript has been accepted for publication. But I wonder why you submitted an unpolished draft.

T. M. Hunter said...

Congratulations on finishing!

I succumbed to the Facebook invites as well, no matter how hard I tried to fight them off. :-P

Barbara Martin said...

Congratulations on finishing your story and the publication.

Anonymous said...

congrats on the novel. Cant wait to read it>
